pregnant2.jpgA vaginal delivery is the birth of a child through the vagina. Every delivery is different so we recommend you participate in the prenatal classes that are available to help educate you of the expectations of delivery.

Following the delivery of your child, it is not unusual to experience bleeding similar to a heavy period for 4-6 weeks. If you believe your bleeding is heavier than normal, rest. If that does not help, contact your doctor. Mild to moderate cramping is to be expected after childbirth. This can be treated with over-the-counter Ibuprofen.

Follow the post-partum instructions provided by your doctor. Continue taking your prenatal vitamins if you are breastfeeding and/or anemic. Additional iron supplements may also be prescribed.

Strenuous activity should be avoided for a minimum of six weeks following the birth of your child. If you develop a fever over 101, experience severe pain and/or bleeding, or notice a foul smelling discharge from your vagina, please contact our office.


A cesarean birth, also referred to as a C-section, is the birth of a child through an incision in the abdomen. C-sections are normally performed when a vaginal delivery is not possible or is unsafe for the mother and/or baby. Generally, cesarean deliveries are performed with spinal or epidural anesthesia. In some cases, general anesthesia may be used. If general anesthesia is required, the mother will be unable to be awake for the delivery. A catheter is placed in the bladder prior to the procedure and will stay in place until the following day.

To help prevent post-operative complications, you will be encouraged to get out of bed and walk some the day following your C-section. Generally, patients are required to stay in the hospital for 72 hours following the delivery.

Mild to moderate soreness is to be expected following the surgery, and may last up to four weeks. Bleeding lasting 4-6 weeks is also normal, just like a vaginal delivery. Driving should be avoided for at least two weeks, and you should refrain from lifting anything heavy for at least six weeks. A post-operative appointment should be scheduled one week after delivery to have the staples removed from the incision.